
تصاميم ثلاثية الابعاد

Module Variations

This theme comes with different module styles, badges and icons. For each module you can pick a style and combine it with an icon or badge to create your own unique look. Here is a list of the available options:

Styles Box, Line, Headerline
Badges Hot, New, Free, Top
Icons Download, Twitter, Mail, Bubble, Login, Cart


YOOtheme is a well-known template and extension provider for Joomla and WordPress who helps you to create professional websites. But to make your website or interface design a real eye-catcher we had one thing missing: Icons! Icons are an essential tool to simplify user interfaces and today almost every major website uses icons to highlight important parts in their content.

This is why we created a great resource of beautiful and handcrafted icons for web and print projects. We got commercial icon sets including e-commerce, community, file and folder icons and many more as well as many freebies.

As a member of our icon club you will get access to hundreds of handcrafted and detailed icons. New icon sets are added continuously!

Visit Website

Club Icons

  • Pixel perfect design
  • PNGs in 8 sizes from 16x16 to 512x512 pixels
  • Handmade and optimized for each size
  • Scalable vector sources
  • Change the colors and customize easily


You can create some beautiful content by using some simple HTML elements. The Warp theme framework offers some neat styles for all HTML elements and a great set of CSS classes to style your content. Basic HTML is very easy to learn and this small guide shows you how to use all styles provided by the Warp framework.

Basic HTML Elements

Here is a short demonstration of text-level semanticts. The <p> element creates a new paragraph. It will have some space before and after itself. To turn your text into hypertext just use the <a> element.

Text-Level Semantics

You can emphasize text using the <em> element or to imply any extra importance the <strong> element. Highlight text with no semantic meaning using the <mark> element. Markup document changes like inserted or deleted text with the <del> element or <ins> element. To define an abbreviation use the <abbr> element and to define a definition term use the <dfn> element.

Short List with Links

  • YOOtheme - Premium Joomla Templates and WordPress Themes
  • Warp Framework - Fast and Slick Theme Framework
  • ZOO - Content Application Builder
  • Stock Icons - For Web and Print Projects

Quotations and Code

Inline quotations can be defined by using the <q> element.

The <blockquote> element defines a long quotation which also creates a new block by inserting white space before and after the blockquote element.

To define a short inline computer code use the <code> element. For a larger code snippet use the <pre> element which defines preformatted text. It creates a new text block which preserves both spaces and line breaks.

pre {
    margin: 15px 0;
    padding: 10px;
    font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 18px;
    white-space: pre-wrap;
Use the <small> element for side comments and small print.

Useful CSS Classes

Here is a short demonstration of all style related CSS classes provided by the Warp framework.

Highlight Content

Drop caps are the first letter of a paragraph which are displayed bigger than the rest of the text. You can create a drop cap using the CSS class dropcap. To emphasize text with some small boxes use <em> element with the CSS class box.

This simple box is intended to group large parts of your content using the CSS class box-content.
This is a simple box to highlight some text using the CSS class box-note.
This is a simple box with useful information using the CSS class box-info.
This is a simple box with important notes and warnings using the CSS class box-warning.
This is a simple box with additional hints using the CSS class box-hint.
This is a simple box with download information using the CSS class box-download.

Use the CSS class dotted to create a dotted horizontal rule.


Create a zebra stripped table using using the CSS class zebra.

Table caption
Table Heading Table Heading Table Heading
Table Footer Table Footer Table Footer
Table Data Table Data Data Centered
Data Bold Table Data Data Centered
Table Data Table Data Data Centered

Definition Lists

Create a nice looking definition list separated with a line by using the CSS class separator.

Definition List
A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. To create a definition list use the <dl> element in conjunction with <dt> to define the definition term and <dd> to define the definition description.
Definition Term
This is a definition description.
Definition Term
This is a definition description.
This is another definition description.


Create a clearly arranged form layout with fieldset boxes using the CSS class box.

Form legend

Dummy Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


This theme utilizes the latest features of the fast and slick Warp theme framework. It comes with a broad range of layout and module variations as well as neat typography to style your content. Read on to learn more about this theme and its features:

  • Available for Joomla and WordPress
  • 8 style variations available
  • Combine 4 background colors for the sidebar, content and background
  • Choose from 4 background photos and 13 fonts
  • 3 module styles combinable with 4 badges and 6 icons
  • Fancy menu follower and smooth CSS animations (optional)
  • Left or centered website alignment
  • Fixed sidebar A (optional)
  • Custom Widgetkit slideshow style
  • Flexible template and column widths
  • All Warp framework features are available

Theme Styles

We provide different style variations of the default theme. Therefore to these styles we included several other style settings like colors and fonts. Combining the different style options allows you to create your own unique theme design.


Special Layout

Showroom comes with some cool layout options. We added the feature to change the alignment of your website: left or center. In addition to this you can completely fix the sidebar A. But don't worry, you can add as many modules as you want even if the sidebar is fixed. If the modules don't fit the site the sidebar scrolls automatically.

Site Alignment
Fixed Sidebar

Fixed Sidebar A Module

A cool feature is the possibility to combine the fixed sidebar with a fixed module like the social icons on the frontpage. To set up a fixed module add following code structure to one of the modules published in sidebar-a:

<div class="sidebar-a-bottom-fixed"> ... </div>

Theme Profiles

We created some nice theme profiles using the different styles, colors and fonts, you can choose from in the theme administration. You can create your own profiles and even assign them to different menu items. Click on one of the profile images to load it.

Theme Layout

This theme comes with a customized Warp6 module layout. The blue module positions allow you to choose a module layout which defines the module alignment and proportions: equal, double or stack. You can easily add your own module layouts. The two available sidebars, highlighted red, can be switched to the left or right side and their widths can easily be set within the theme administration. For modules in the blue and red positions you can choose different module styles. Take a look at the module variations page to get an overview.

Module Positions
Module Layouts
Column Layouts

Special Features

Featured Image

Showroom provides a great possibility to show your photography blog in a beautiful way using featured images, which benefit from the whole content width. To set up a blog like the one you can see on the theme frontpage just follow these steps:

  1. Joomla: Add an Intro Image and a Full Article Image to your article in the Images and Links option
    WordPress: Click Set featured image in the post and upload the image you want to add
  2. Joomla: Set the Image Float to none

If you want a featured image within the content use following code structure to add an image:

<span class="featured-image">
  <img class="size-auto" src="...">

Featured Module

You can also add a featured module (e.g. Slideshow) like you can see on the frontpage.

  1. Create a slideshow in Widgetkit and copy the widget shortcode
  2. Copy the following code structure and add it to a module/widget
<div class="featured-module">
  [widgetkit id=XX]
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...<p>

Custom Widgetkit Styles

We created a custom style for our Widgetkit Slideshow, perfectly fitting to the theme. To apply this style, follow these steps:


  1. Download and unzip the bonus styles package for Widgetkit available in the download area
  2. Copy the folder slideshow/styles/showroom
  3. Joomla: Paste it to media/widgetkit/widgets/slideshow/styles
    WordPress: Paste it to wp-content/plugins/widgetkit/widgets/slideshow/styles
  4. Now you can select the style "Showroom" in the settings of your Widgetkit Slideshow

Social Icons

As a little extra, the Showroom theme offers a set of social icons. They are easy to add to your content and are part of our editable Adobe Fireworks Image Source Files.

Here is a little code example how to add them:

<ul class="social-icons">
  <li class="twitter"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="facebook"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="googleplus"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="vimeo"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="flickr"><a href="#"></a></li>

Possible class names are twitter, facebook, googleplus, vimeo and flickr.

Master Theme

This is the Master theme of our fast and slick Warp theme framework! It is optimized and streamlined to serve as a blueprint to build your own custom themes.

The Master theme takes full advantage of all the latest Warp6 features like a completely responsive layout, semantic HTML5 markup, a nice and clean administration UI and much more.

Read more

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نقوم ب تصميم الشعارات الاحترافية من خلال 

 تصميم الشعارات بالرموز المعبرة - تصميم الشعارات بالخط العربي الحديث 

ندرس فكرة المشروع بالتعاون مع فكرة صاحب ومسؤول المشروع ونطبق فكرته وثم نقوم بتصميم شعارات بافكار مختلفة ونقوم بعرض الشعار بالطريقة العادية وبطريقة ثلاثية الابعاد لنبين امكانية الشعار وهو : محفور وبارز ومطلي بالدهب والفضة

وبذلك يكون اجمالي عدد تصميم الشعار 3 نمازج كل فكرة مختلفة عن الافكار الاخرى ويمكن بعد عرض الافكار بالتعديل على النموزج المعتمد لكي نصل سويا الى مرحلة الرضا والقبول من جهة العميل

وبعد الموافقه على الشعار المعتد سوف نقوم بارسال الملفات الاصلية للعميل بواسطة البريد الالكتروني والملفات تكون بهذة الامتدادات


وهذة الملفات يمكن تكبير وطباعة الشعار من 1 سنتيمتر الى 1000 متر لانها بدون مقاس محدد ويمكن لاي طباع تعديل مقاس الشعار حسب رغبة العميل


تصميم الهوية التجارية للشركات
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بعد اعتماد الشعار والموافقه علية وارسال ملفات الشعار المعتمدة

نقوم بعد ذلك بتصميم نموزجين للبيزنس كارد والليتر هيد ويتم عرضهم للعميل بالطريقة العادية وطريقة ثلاثية الابعاد ليتم اختيار نموزج منهم وايضا يمكن التعديل على النموزج ليتم اعتمادة

وثم نقوم بعد ذلك بتصميم كافة ملفات الهوية التجارية التي تحتاجها اي شركة وتضم الاتي : 

تصميم البيزنيس كارد - تصميم ليتر هيد - تصميم فاتورة - تصميم سند القبض والصرف - تصميم فولدر - تصميم رول اب - تصميم لوحةالمكتب - تصميم ماج - تصميم تي شيرت - تصميم ختم - تصميم بوفايل الشركة - تصميم بروشور وجهين - تصميم فلاير - تصميم ستيكر السيارة - تصميم ملابس العمال - تصميم ستيكر باب المكتب - تصميم كاب العمال - تصميم ايميل الكتروني - تصميم الموقع الالكتروني وبرمجته 

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